martes, 4 de julio de 2017

Blog 13: Wooo, is my fat family!!!!

Hi! I hope that all are they well, today I will talk about my family.
Actually I live with my mother and my sister due to my fathers are divorced in 2011, however my father always this present.
My mother name is Zulema, born in Quinta Normal the April 2th of the 1970. She is very preoccupied for us although always has very busy. My relationship with my mother is very good because we are identic, as for example she and me we like the Argentinian rock such as SodaStereo, Spinetta, Virus, Enanitos Verdes, etc.  
My sister name is Agustina, born in Providencia the August 8th of the 2008. She is very curious and funny, she always wants play, sing and dance. My relationship with my sister is very special and good, however we are very different because I hate sing and dance because I very bad singing and dancing.
My father name is Hector, born in Valparaíso the April 23th of the 1967. He was a military between 1986 to 2016. This is fat, he like eat cazuela and others types of soup. My relationship with the fat is very funny, always be this laughing to me.

But, also I have which named, I am Matias, born in Providencia the September 25th of the 1995. I like the watch and play soccer, I like the music and I like the pizza. 

sábado, 1 de julio de 2017

Blog 12: What is my opinion about to...?

Hi! this blog is about of answer different questions; it’s based in other blog named “englishplataformablog”.
1)      What is my opinion about smart phones? R: In this times, the smartphones are one fundamental tool due to what helps us best communicate.
2)      What is my opinion about women in military? R: To be honest not me interest.
3)      What is my opinion about violence on television? R: On the one hand it shows us the true reality, however on the other hand is dangerous due to what exists kids which see the TV and I feel which not is appropriate.
4)      What is my opinion about the Chilean politicians?  R: not me the politician, therefore I not have one clear opinion about the Chilean politicians.
5)      What is my opinion about fortune telling? R: I not know never about the “fortune telling”.
6)      What is my opinion about soap operas on Chilean TV? R: I like the soap operas haha, actually I am watching “Amanda”, mentioned soap operas correspond to channel of Megavisión. I think what the soap operas are very funny!
7)      What is my opinion about legalizing marijuana? R: To be honest no me interest because I don’t like the marijuana hahaha, however I think the marijuana and cigarettes are drugs what harm the human.
8)      What is my opinion about climate change? R: Me interest because the change climate is one thematic very potent due what we are the main agents of changes and we are not doing anything.
9)      What is my opinion about cloning? R: I not know about of the cloning.
10)   What is my opinion about recycling? R: Is very important recycle because we can do use of the discarded material.
11)   What is my opinion about “Barras bravas”? R: More and less good and more and less bad because I feel what love a one team is special, for example I like the team of the University of Chile and in fact I am fan of the mentioned team. However, also is bad because exists cases of violence.

12)   What is my opinion about legalizing abortion in some cases? R: I think what the abort must be legal always and when the woman which performs mentioned process.      

Blog 11: My dream team!

Hi! This blog is different to the rest of the blog’s made in class. Really, this blog is for practice for the final test of the Wednesday…
Today I will talk about to my current favorites players of soccer for position in the field of play… we begin:
My favorite goalkeeper is Gianluigi Buffon, this Italian players of soccer is one legend, have 39 years and is a strong wall. My favorites defenses are David Alaba (Austrian), Gary Medel (Chilean), Matt Hummels (German) and Dani Alves (Brazilian)… I feel that with these four soccer’s players in the defense I can elaborating a good match. My favorites midfielders are Arturo Vidal, Charles Aranguiz and Marcelo Díaz (all are Chileans), they are all terrain… they are cracks!
My favorites forwards are Lionel Messi (Argentinian), Alexis Sanchez (Chilean) and Zlatan Ibrahimovic (Swedish)… with this forwards I can win all the matches.

In short, with a 433 (four defenses, three midfielders and three forwards), this is my dream team and therefore I must be your coach hahaha!

viernes, 30 de junio de 2017

Blof 10: Evaluation of you blogging experience

Hi everyone! this is my last blog!... is incredible, the time passes very fast.
Sincerely It’s costs me English, especially when I have to talk mentioned language. Due to, I feel more letter with respect to rest of my classmates… this level was very difficult. However, I liked the dynamic of the blog’s, I feel that now I can write with more ease, although sincerely I feel very dependent of the use of the dictionary (Wordreference). In conclusion, my level of English not increased in relation to rest of my classmates.
The blog’s n°5 was my favorite, mentioned blog it was about of one photography you like and my photography was one image of the marker of the match between the University of Chile and Catholic University.  
I would like to have left for around of the faculty and I will make touristic activities in English because I feel which with mentioned activity decreased my level of afraid and insecurity for talk in English. With respect to the above, we could have done a blog about to our experience of the activity. I would like to write about of places of the world such as landscapes, palaces, monuments, etc. Also, I would like to write about of my classmates and my teacher such as my perception about form them, any qualities… for example “My best classmate of English”.

viernes, 16 de junio de 2017

Blog 9: Pride Film Review

Hi everyone!
Today was a rainy day, but I like because they are few the rainy days in Santiago. I don’t like the film due to sincerely I don’t have the time for to see well, however I like the thematic of the film as well as the actors.
My favorite character is Mark because I feel that it’s role is fundamental in achieve the connection with the mining community after of the rejection thereof.
One of the scenes that most I liked of the film, although sound cruel, was when the mining community rejection the aid of the LGBT community why still happens in our society, was a laugh sarcastic.
One of the thing that I don’t liked of the film was when they mention Margaret Thatcher, I hate her so much, is something inherent in my person, motherfucker.  

One of the thing that I liked of the film are the reasons of why the LGBT community are interested in the cause about of the labor injustices of the mining community. Also, see in the scenes to as London in a city diverse, dynamic, with new thoughts. Still I feel that we can the old thoughts…      

miércoles, 7 de junio de 2017

Blog 6: Music

Hi everyone!

This night I will talk about of the music. The principal reason to because I have writing this blog in this night of the June 6th is due to that the 24th of May I did not attend classes.

In this blog I decided in will talk about to one band, Soda Stereo.

Soda Stereo is not my favorite band, however I chose talk about her because is the band in where present the major quantity of songs and albums that I like. Exist many bands and singers that I like, however I not have a favorite band.­

Exist many reasons of because I like this band, where the principals are (Rock and Pop mix, the metaphor of your letters and because they marked the season).

My favorite album is without a doubt “Cancion Animal”. This album is spectacular for your letters, where in many songs is use of way metaphor the romanticism, however this romanticism is very erotic disguised of nice words.

I feed that I born in one wrong season…

Resultado de imagen para gustavo cerati

Blog 8: A subject you have enjoyed studying this semester

Hi classmates!

Today I will talk about to one unit of the signature of “Physics Geography” denominate “Climatology”. Pablo Sarricolea was person in charge in taught about to mentioned subject. This unit made one test, in mentioned test I was evaluated with 5.8.

The classes with this teacher was very didactics, studied topics such as: Estimate the climate of the cities, villages; calculate the variation of dry years our humid years in a meteorological station, estimate high and low pressure fronts (anticyclone and cyclone), studies the types climatically classification (Köppen-Geiger, Thornthwaite, Sthaler), etc. Even though we had four classes, in my personal opinion, mentioned classes was well used.
The Köppen-Geiger climatically classification was witho
ut a doubt my favorite subject, because I can discover the different climates types to many cities of the world which I did not know, such (Buenos Aires present a climate type according Köppen-Geiger such “Cfa”. Temperate humid climate (subtropical) without dry stations, present an average precipitation annual of 1040 mm, similar to the quantity of average precipitation annual of Concepcion and Chillan (1110 and 1107 mm respectively). In conclusion, I like this subject due to I can study all the climates parameters of all the cities, villages of the world. Also, I can study the behavior about to climate change in the world.

PD: Only six of fifty-two communes of the Metropolitan Region present a semiarid cold climate (Lampa, Tiltil, Colina, Pudahuel, Quilicura and Maipu).     

miércoles, 31 de mayo de 2017

Blog 7: Career-raletd website or an expert on your field

Hi classmates!
Today I will talk about to one of my favorite’s experts in the science areas, Charles Robert Darwin. Charles R. Darwin was a naturist, geologist and biology. Born in Shropshire, England in the year 1809. When Darwin had 16 years started a career Edinburgh University. Two years later, Charles R. Darwin became a student at Christ’s College in Cambridge. Always Darwin was inclined to study natural history. Darwin make numerous voyages, where the most important was the voyage to South America. Charles Darwin died in London, on April 1882.

Darwin published his theory of evolution with compelling evidence in his 1859 book “On the Origin of Species” overcoming scientific rejection of earlier concepts of transmutation of species. The book aforementioned was of great importance for the studies of population’s genetics. Charles Darwin is acquaintance as “the Father of the Natural Selection”. As well as, Darwin is cited for numerous philosophers in seats, books, articles which about to studies of the human evolution.

In my personal opinion, I like Charles Darwin for your contribution in various areas of the science (biology, chemical, mathematics, history, etc.). Charles Darwin was a great polymath. 

Three quarter length studio photo showing Darwin's characteristic large forehead and bushy eyebrows with deep set eyes, pug nose and mouth set in a determined look. He is bald on top, with dark hair and long side whiskers but no beard or moustache. His jacket is dark, with very wide lapels, and his trousers are a light check pattern. His shirt has an upright wing collar, and his cravat is tucked into his waistcoat which is a light fine checked pattern.


miércoles, 10 de mayo de 2017

Blog 5: A photograph you like

Hi everyone!... Especially a the fans of the soccer team “Universidad de Chile” haha… Today I will talk about of one photografy which represent in little fraction of the love that I feel for this team.

No automatic alt text available.
This photography it was taken the November 1 of the 2014 in the Julio Martinez Pradanos National Stadium of Ñuñoa. Yes teacher, is exactly the stadium most magic of Chile… Is my favorite stadium. I am the author of this photography.  

It was a very special day, the University of Chile was facing your archenemy Catholic University in a match very complicated for the dispute of the Chilean opening tournament 2014-15.

Was a massacre, whit of the goals of Mathias Corujo and Patricio Rubio (X2), we win of the “Cruzados” for 3-0! And we stayed very nearby of we are the champions of the Chilean opening tournament 2014-15.

I very like this photography because represent one of the moments which I enjoy of my life, see and support to my favorite team… My “Universidad de Chile”

miércoles, 3 de mayo de 2017

Blog 4: Jimmy's Hall Review

Hi everyone! Today isn't an good day.

In the English class we saw a film named Jimmy’s Hall. This film address about of the history of an Irish citizen named Jimmy which was deported for political matters.

I liked the film because address about to political and social tensions which lived the Irishwoman and Irishman in the period of the civil war in Ireland.

My favorite character Jimmy because he same is consider as a sock personality because when returns to Ireland keep an auto silence due to the impact which cause your exile.

One thing what I liked about to the film is the settings of the scenes appropriate at the period lived in Ireland.

One thing what I not liked about to the film is what in the part which address about to the stigmatizing which realize the church about to the peoples what feed different.

My favorite scene of the film is the final scene when the major group of friends and sticky of Jimmy was a farewell when was going in the car.    

Imagen relacionada

jueves, 13 de abril de 2017

Blog 3: My favorite piece of technology

My favorite piece of technology

Hi classmates!, I think my favorite piece of technology is my PlayStation, in this moment I have the PlayStation 4 (PS4), but as well as I've had the others three videogames consoles of the PlayStation previous to PS4,  such as: PS1 between 2002-2006, PS2 between 2006-2010 and PS3 between 2010-2014. One of the reasons of why use the PlayStation is for play with my friends, cousins and my father, one of my favorites games of the PlayStation is the "Grand Theft Auto". Actually I not use with frequency the PS4 due to I am in period of class, however, when I am in period of vacations use with very frequency the PS4. I like play in the PlayStation because it relaxes me and it distract me. 

I think that whitout the existence of the PlayStation in my life, this would without a less part of my life.

Resultado de imagen para ps4

miércoles, 5 de abril de 2017

Blog 2: Why did you choose this career?

Hi classmates!

Good, hoping that they are well!, today, april 5, exaclty the day of the "Battle of Maipu" jaja, are going about why chose that you're studying right now.

Before everything, my history in the university not started this year in geography due to I studied two years in the career of Forest Engineering in the University of Chile, however, I don't liked that career because was trying themes what they were not to my liking. So, due to this, I decided change of career between intership transfer. 

Now I study the career of geography and even this moment I feel pleasant. I have an remember of when I was an little kid (exactly when I had four years), I asked of gift an atlas, yes, an atlas!, I very liked see the maps the all countries of the world. So, from that age in onward I start at play with the maps, for example: draw maps of countries, invent falses maps, etc.

An of my dreams from kid was job in the construction of maps, specially of big cities. Creating models of cities similarity to New York, Buenos Aires, Mexico City, Shangai, Tokyo, Moscow, among other. But that maps must be fictitious, at least that was my idea...

Others careers options what chose this moment of put the variants in the demre were: Forest Engineering, Agronomy and Statiscal Engineering. In the end I decided after of studied two years in Forest Engineering

My experience in the university has been diverse due to the numerous changes, but in general has been good.

With regard at my future I don't want endanger, feel what I have what proceed for most time. 

jueves, 30 de marzo de 2017

My first blog: Autobiography

Hi classmates!

My name is Matias, have 21 years old and live in the commune of Pudahuel, located a 19.2 milles of Santiago. I born in Providencia, the september 25 of the 1995. My mother, Zulema, born in Quinta Normal in 1970 and lived all your infancy and adolescence in the commune of Lo Prado. On the other land, my father Hector born in Valparaíso in 1967.

I have lived exactly in three communes (Pudahuel, Las Condes and Estacion Central), but in that moment I feed that live for many more years in Pudahuel.

I have studied in two schools, the first was "Terranova", located in Maipu, and the second was "Nuestra Señora de Andacollo" located in the commune of Santiago. In the second school (Andacollo) was when I was the major quantity of years, approximately 10 years.

My infancy was enough good because I was very in touch with my parents, uncles, cousins and friends. In my childhood I was very calm, I liked played with my cars in my garden although it was very dirty.

With the passing of the years I started to like soccer, my favorite team is the University of Chile and my idol of soccer is Marcelo Salas. The first time I cried for my team was December 22 of the 2005, when I had 10 years, was after the final versus with the Catholic University. That christmas was very unhappy due to what happened. However, the soccer always have revenge because in the 2011 the University of Chile was faced again with Catholic University in other final, but this time my team won the final serie, being consecrated champion in the tournament of the.

I graduated of the school in 2013, however the next year I not started my career because I was insecure, so, due to this I enrolled in the pre-university "Pedro de Valdivia". Although "I lost a physical year", was a great moment for grow with person.

In 2015 I enrolled in the career of Forest Engineering in the University of Chile. At first I felt very happy to go to study, however this happiness it was because he was studying in the University of Chile, not because I was studying Forest Engineering. When I was insecure to follow studying "forestry" I started looking for some alternatives, in which Geography always was the very successful. Finally, behind this, in september of the 2016 I started the formalities for perform the change of career, concluding this, in 2017 I enrolled in the career of Geography in the University of Chile. I hope this is the correct choice...