viernes, 30 de junio de 2017

Blof 10: Evaluation of you blogging experience

Hi everyone! this is my last blog!... is incredible, the time passes very fast.
Sincerely It’s costs me English, especially when I have to talk mentioned language. Due to, I feel more letter with respect to rest of my classmates… this level was very difficult. However, I liked the dynamic of the blog’s, I feel that now I can write with more ease, although sincerely I feel very dependent of the use of the dictionary (Wordreference). In conclusion, my level of English not increased in relation to rest of my classmates.
The blog’s n°5 was my favorite, mentioned blog it was about of one photography you like and my photography was one image of the marker of the match between the University of Chile and Catholic University.  
I would like to have left for around of the faculty and I will make touristic activities in English because I feel which with mentioned activity decreased my level of afraid and insecurity for talk in English. With respect to the above, we could have done a blog about to our experience of the activity. I would like to write about of places of the world such as landscapes, palaces, monuments, etc. Also, I would like to write about of my classmates and my teacher such as my perception about form them, any qualities… for example “My best classmate of English”.

viernes, 16 de junio de 2017

Blog 9: Pride Film Review

Hi everyone!
Today was a rainy day, but I like because they are few the rainy days in Santiago. I don’t like the film due to sincerely I don’t have the time for to see well, however I like the thematic of the film as well as the actors.
My favorite character is Mark because I feel that it’s role is fundamental in achieve the connection with the mining community after of the rejection thereof.
One of the scenes that most I liked of the film, although sound cruel, was when the mining community rejection the aid of the LGBT community why still happens in our society, was a laugh sarcastic.
One of the thing that I don’t liked of the film was when they mention Margaret Thatcher, I hate her so much, is something inherent in my person, motherfucker.  

One of the thing that I liked of the film are the reasons of why the LGBT community are interested in the cause about of the labor injustices of the mining community. Also, see in the scenes to as London in a city diverse, dynamic, with new thoughts. Still I feel that we can the old thoughts…      

miércoles, 7 de junio de 2017

Blog 6: Music

Hi everyone!

This night I will talk about of the music. The principal reason to because I have writing this blog in this night of the June 6th is due to that the 24th of May I did not attend classes.

In this blog I decided in will talk about to one band, Soda Stereo.

Soda Stereo is not my favorite band, however I chose talk about her because is the band in where present the major quantity of songs and albums that I like. Exist many bands and singers that I like, however I not have a favorite band.­

Exist many reasons of because I like this band, where the principals are (Rock and Pop mix, the metaphor of your letters and because they marked the season).

My favorite album is without a doubt “Cancion Animal”. This album is spectacular for your letters, where in many songs is use of way metaphor the romanticism, however this romanticism is very erotic disguised of nice words.

I feed that I born in one wrong season…

Resultado de imagen para gustavo cerati

Blog 8: A subject you have enjoyed studying this semester

Hi classmates!

Today I will talk about to one unit of the signature of “Physics Geography” denominate “Climatology”. Pablo Sarricolea was person in charge in taught about to mentioned subject. This unit made one test, in mentioned test I was evaluated with 5.8.

The classes with this teacher was very didactics, studied topics such as: Estimate the climate of the cities, villages; calculate the variation of dry years our humid years in a meteorological station, estimate high and low pressure fronts (anticyclone and cyclone), studies the types climatically classification (Köppen-Geiger, Thornthwaite, Sthaler), etc. Even though we had four classes, in my personal opinion, mentioned classes was well used.
The Köppen-Geiger climatically classification was witho
ut a doubt my favorite subject, because I can discover the different climates types to many cities of the world which I did not know, such (Buenos Aires present a climate type according Köppen-Geiger such “Cfa”. Temperate humid climate (subtropical) without dry stations, present an average precipitation annual of 1040 mm, similar to the quantity of average precipitation annual of Concepcion and Chillan (1110 and 1107 mm respectively). In conclusion, I like this subject due to I can study all the climates parameters of all the cities, villages of the world. Also, I can study the behavior about to climate change in the world.

PD: Only six of fifty-two communes of the Metropolitan Region present a semiarid cold climate (Lampa, Tiltil, Colina, Pudahuel, Quilicura and Maipu).